Fire Evacuation
Fire Evacuation Procedures – Abercerdin Primary School
As a visitor to Abercerdin Primary School, your safety and the safety of everyone on-site is our priority. Please ensure you sign in at the main reception upon arrival so we have an accurate record of all individuals on the premises in case of an emergency.
If the fire alarm sounds, follow our evacuation procedures immediately and calmly. Familiarise yourself with the clearly marked exit routes throughout the building, which lead to the designated assembly point on the school yard. It is essential that all visitors participate fully in the evacuation to ensure everyone's safety.
If you discover a fire, activate the nearest fire alarm by breaking the glass or inform a member of staff immediately.
Do not attempt to re-enter the building until the emergency services or designated staff confirm it is safe to do so.
By following these procedures, we can maintain a secure environment for all pupils, staff, and visitors. Thank you for your cooperation.