Additional Learning Needs (ALN)
At Abercerdin Primary School we are proud of the support that we offer for our learners with Additional Learning Needs. We feel that all learners within the school are supported well, and that we have positive working relationships with learners and their families, as well as other individuals and organisations that work with the young person. We feel that the support, guidance and interventions that we offer is tailored to meet the needs of each learner individually, and that this support is monitored and adapted in a pupil-centered way.
In Wales, we want to transform expectations, experiences and outcomes for children and young people with additional learning needs (ALN). To do so, the Welsh Assembly have developed the additional learning needs (ALN) transformation programme, which transforms the separate systems for special educational needs (SEN) in schools and learning difficulties and/or disabilities (LDD) in further education, to create a unified system for supporting learners from 0 to 25 with ALN.
The law is changing for several reasons:
- The child or young person’s needs might be found too late;
- The support might be provided to the young person too late;
- The young person and their parents/carers might not be involved enough in planning;
- The current system can be complicated to understand;
- The law only currently covers children and young people up to the age of 19.
The new legislation for ALN will bring about several main changes for ALN. It...
- Brings together all current systems into a new, single system for ALN;
- Changes terminology- Special Education Needs (SEN) has been replaced by Additional Learning Needs (ALN);
- Is pupil centered, where young people and their parents are completely involved in decision making;
- Provides learners with the same type of statutory plan (Individual Development Plan or IDP), irrespective of age or setting;
- Improves transition between settings;
- Allows further Welsh language provision;
- Has clear and consistent right of appeal;
- Is a fair and transparent system for all.
ALN Reform
For an easy to follow explanation about the ALN reform, click the link below.
Welsh Government Video
Why not view what Welsh Government have to say about ALN reform?
Supporting information is available for parents and learners. In this section of the website, you will find links to help sheets and further information about how the changes will affect learners and their families, and what support is available to you. You will find it useful to read the booklet ‘Abercerdin ALN Parent Guide’.
However, if you still require any further information about the changes or are concerned your child has an additional learning need then we welcome you to contact us. You can contact us at the school and ask to speak to the Additional Learning Needs Coordinators (ALNCos), Miss. Rhia Adams and Mrs. Helen Gentle, Headteacher or Miss. Sophie Locke, Deputy Headteacher.
Abercerdin ALNCO Team!
Miss. Rhia Adams
Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCO)
Mrs. Helen Gentle
Miss. Sophie Locke
Deputy Headteacher
I believe my child has an Additional Learning Need...What do I do?
Talk to the school
Always speak to the school's Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo) as soon as you have worries or concerns. Share all the information you have about your child with the school and other professionals involved. They will:
- listen and take your problem seriously;
- involve you and your child and consider your views;
- explore all the issues and concerns; and
- gather information and plan a way forward with you.
If you disagree with a school or local authority decision on anything relating to your child’s ALN provision or placement you should contact a named officer in the local authority’s ALN teams in the Learner Support Service. They can help you unpick problems, gather further information, provide advice and support and reconsider school decisions. All local authorities have named officers who will provide advice and support and can help by providing some of the following:
- impartial advice on the rights of a child, child’s parent or young person needing support;
- support to unpick difficulties and plan a way forward with all other people involved;
- face-to-face meetings to work out what to do next;
- support to attend and contribute to meetings at the school or local authority; and
- ongoing support if problems are difficult to solve.
Advice and Support - SNAP Cymru
You can also contact SNAP Cymru who provide impartial information, advice and support to help you:
- confidently share your views, make decisions and develop good relationships with professionals;
- provide clear and straightforward information about your options;
- help you make informed decisions; and
- help you understand ALN law, entitlements and processes.
Disagreement Resolution / Mediation
Sometimes it is difficult to reach an agreement. In this area, independent disagreement resolution is provided by SNAP Cymru. The service can help, children, their parent(s)/ carer(s), young people, schools, and the local education authority when there is a dispute about ALN decisions and ALN provision. An experienced mediator will meet with parent(s)/ carer(s) and school or local education authority staff. The mediator does not take sides but will listen and find out what has been happening. The aim is to find a workable solution that everyone can agree with. Children and parent(s)/ carer(s) or young people who want to know more about this service can speak to SNAP Cymru on 0808 801 0608 or email: or see more information on referral and mediation on the website.
Disagreeing with Health provision
For disagreements related to health decisions and provision that have not been resolved through earlier discussions, you may use the “Putting things Right” process.
Education Tribunal Wales
You have a right to appeal to the Education Tribunal for Wales. The Tribunal is independent and will consider appeals where there is disagreement with the local authority’s decisions.
An appeal can be made by a child, their parent(s)/ carer(s) or young person on the following:
- a review of the decision made by a school whether a child/young person has an ALN;
- a decision by a local authority, in the case of a young person, as to whether it is necessary to prepare and maintain an IDP;
- the description of the person’s ALN;
- the additional learning provision in an IDP;
- the school named in the plan or if no school is named;
- a decision to revise an IDP;
- a decision not to take over responsibility for an IDP, following a request to do so;
- a decision to cease to maintain an IDP; or
- a refusal to decide a matter.If you do decide to appeal to the Education Tribunal, you should let the named officer within the local authority know as soon as possible and continue to discuss your concerns. SNAP Cymru can also help you continue to resolve your disagreement.
Contact details
For further information you could get in touch with any of the contacts below:
- The Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator Team at Abercerdin Primary are Miss. Rhia Adams, Mrs. Helen Gentle and Miss. Sophie Locke.
- SNAP Cymru Independent Information Advice and Support Service Tel: 0808 801 0608.
- Local authority Learner Support Service within the Education and Family Support Directorate.
- Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales Telephone: 0300 025 9800 E-mail:
If you are unhappy with anything, you should make your views known as soon as possible. If you are concerned about the progress your child is making at school, you should first talk to the ALNCo in school. This will provide an opportunity for matters to be addressed and resolved promptly and prevent problems from escalating.
Name | |
Supporting Learners with ADHD.pdf | Download |
Supporting Learners with ASD.pdf | Download |
Supporting Learners with Hearing Impairments.pdf | Download |
Supporting Learners with Multi-Sensory Impairments.pdf | Download |
Supporting Learners with Vision Impairments.pdf | Download |
The Additional Learning Needs (Wales) Regulations 2021.pdf | Download |
ALN Process Map
Look at what we do when considering if a child has ALN.
One Page Profiles
We will be asking parents, pupils and other professionals involved with the child to complete a OPP. This provides the school with valuable information about a child.
ALN Parent Guide
A quick and easy read explaining the terminology and we help your child.
PCP Information Sheet
All families of pupils with ALN will be involved in a Person Centered Planning (PCP) meeting.
ALN and Wellbeing Signposting
If you need help and support, there are people that can help...You are not alone!
PCP Parent/Guardian Views