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Abercerdin Primary School's Instrument of Government states that the Governing Body will consist of:

  • 4 parent governors;
  • 3 LEA governors;
  • 1 teacher governor;
  • 1 staff governor;
  • 4 community governors
  • The head teacher (except at any time when s/he has given written notice to the clerk to the governing body of the school that s/he chooses not to be a governor)

The maximum numbers of Governors is 14.

Abercerdin Governing Body 2024-25

Cllr. Hywel Williams

Chair of Governors, Safeguarding, BGA and LEA Governor

Mrs. Dionne Bradley

Vice Chair of Governors and LEA Governor

Mrs. Christine Ingram

ALN and Community Governor

Mrs. Sarah Walters

Teacher Governor

Mrs. Jayne Evans

Staff Governor

Mr. Christian Cox

Parent Governor

Mrs. Natasha Llewellyn

Safeguarding and Parent Governor

Mrs. Helen Gentle

Designated Safeguarding Person and Headteacher

Miss. Lauren Davies

Clerk of the Governing Body